Fitness Wisdom: The Journey, Functional Fitness, Fat Burners
Mar 20, 2024
Fitness Wisdom
Hi friend,
There is something I've been struggling with lately: Yard work.
We moved to a property in the tropics that had been uninhabited for over a year. It is safe to say that Mother Nature has taken over.
There are many things to prune, chop, weed, cut, remove and restore.
Here's where things get ridiculous.
Before we moved to Cairns, we lived in a two-bedroom apartment with a balcony in an inner-city suburb of Melbourne.
When I looked outside, all I could see was concrete.
I used to dream of having a backyard!!
I would've been thrilled to have things to chop, prune, weed, and cut daily.
And now that I have a backyard, I find myself frustrated and annoyed about all the jobs that need to be done.
Ridiculous, right? What's the lesson here?
Yes, it's good to have your eye on the prize, which, in my example, is a beautifully trimmed backyard.
However, to be happy, you must learn to smell the roses and enjoy the journey, no matter where you live or what you do.
Don't be like me—frustrated and annoyed even though you have what you've always dreamed of.
Chop wood, carry water. Enjoy the journey.
(Chop wood, carry water is a Zen saying emphasising the significance of consistent good habits, daily tasks, and embracing the process).
Leaner Stronger Podcast
Our Hidden Past: The Real Journey Behind Our Fitness Journey.
In the most recent episode of the podcast, you'll learn about our past. You'll be shocked to know what we were getting up to in our early 20s...
Things I've Learned
1. Machines are just as "functional" as free weights
Machines have a reputation for not being as "functional" as free weights.
A recent study tested this traditionally held assumption by comparing athletic adaptations during an 8-week exercise program utilising free weights or machines.
Thirty-four men with resistance training experience were divided into two groups. One group lifted free weights; the other one did machines.
The result was no difference in the improvements in athletic ability or muscle architecture between the groups.
The conclusion is that strength training helps primarily by increasing muscle mass.
However, whether you achieve that muscle mass by lifting free weights or using machines is less important.
This insight highlights the fact that there are no mandatory exercises.
The most "functional" training for you is doing the type of training you enjoy the most.
2. Fat burners fail again
A recent study compared the fat burner OxyShred by EHP Labs to placebo in exercising individuals.
The fat burner was no better than the placebo for the subjects' body composition, waist circumference, or resting energy expenditure.
This finding fits what most studies have found: Fat burners contain many fancy-sounding ingredients that theoretically could accelerate energy burn. The problem is that the effects are too small and short-lived.
The result is that the only thing that burns faster is your bank account.
My recommendation?
Don't waste your money on fat burners. Instead, focus your energy and resources on what matters: Following a proper training program, like the ones you can get from the Coach Pyry Training App.
Helpful Resources
What I Wish I Knew When I Started Gym 15 Years Ago
Strong And Mobile Hips For Running
Body Fat Destroys Testosterone Levels
Double Your Pull-Ups With This One Tip
Life Booster
Sleep more.
It's the most potent performance enhancer known to man. Nothing will improve how you look, perform and feel like a good night's sleep.
Lack of sleep undermines your focus, energy levels and mood.
If you're feeling exhausted and drained, ask yourself.
Are you giving your sleep the attention it deserves? Or do you view it as an inconvenience?
Start prioritising your sleep. Make your bedroom a sanctuary for optimal rest.
Your mind, body and future self will thank you for it.
Big Love,
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