How To Maximise Fat Loss In 6 Weeks Without Setting Yourself Up For A Dramatic Rebound 👍 | Episode 79
May 11, 2023
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How To Maximise Fat Loss While Minimising The Risks Of A Rebound
Are you planning to head to Europe for the northern hemisphere summer? Perhaps you'll escape the Australian winter to the warmth of South East Asia.
Regardless, now is the time to put in the work to look and feel your best on your mid-year holiday.
Unfortunately, most people end up taking too extreme measures and unwillingly set themselves up for an impressive regain of lost weight.
In this episode, you'll learn how to lose fat as fast as possible without setting yourself up for a yo-yo-like rebound to an even worse place with your body composition.
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This is Coach Pyry,
Let's do this!
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